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Postcard Image Cat No. Ship Name Shipping Company Description Price GBP
Emmasingel 589822 Emmasingel Armawa Shipping & Trading A company photo postcard featuring the Emmasingel. In nice clean condition, both sides with minimal corner wear. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX) £2.99
Heerebrug 589804 Heerebrug Armawa Shipping & Trading A company photo postcard featuring the Heerebrug ready for launching, and also mentioning her sistership Heeredwinger which were both delivered to the company in 1999. In nice clean condition, both sides with minimal corner wear. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX) £2.99
Heereplein 589849 Heereplein Armawa Shipping & Trading A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Heereplein. In nice clean condition, both sides with minimal corner wear. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £2.99
Heeresingel 589847 Heeresingel Armawa Shipping & Trading A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Heeresingel. In nice clean condition, both sides with minimal corner wear. A very light surface bend to the bottom left corner tip. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG+) £2.99
Heerestraat 589818 Heerestraat Armawa Shipping & Trading A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Heerestraat. In nice clean condition, both sides with minimal corner wear. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £2.99
Heereweg / Lys Viking 589806 Heereweg / Lys Viking Armawa Shipping & Trading A company colour photo postcard featuring the containership Heereweg and with the photo showing her on charter to Lys Line as the Lys Viking for a service linking Rotterdam to Oslo and Boston (UK). In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Minimal marking to the reverse. Size approx 5.9" x 4.1". (EX-) £2.99
Radeplein 589844 Radeplein Armawa Shipping & Trading A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Radeplein. In nice clean condition, both sides with minimal corner wear. Note that the diagonal blue lines normally associated with scanning are actually on the card and noticeable on the sea area only. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £2.49
Westersingel 1042422 Westersingel Armawa Shipping & Trading A company colour photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Westersingel of 1999. In nice clean condition, front and reverse, with extremely light corner wear. Size approx 5.9" x 4.1". (EX-) £2.99
Nellie 627824 Nellie Armement Alexander SA, Antwerp A sepia printed postcard featuring the coaster Nellie of 1938. Very light corner and edge wear. Minimal marking to the front (note that the marks in the shy area is a flock of birds!). A little marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £3.99
Perregaux 910037 Perregaux Armement Berengier et Cie A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Perregaux. In clean condition to the front with very light corner and edge wear. To the reverse the ship name has been changed in ink. Otherwise very light marking. (VG) £2.99
Liege 6090281 Liege Armement Deppe S.A., Antwerp A photo postcard by Spanjersberg of Rotterdam featuring the Liege. In clean condition to the front with light corner and edge wear. Light surface marking. Light album corner indentations. Clean to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
Mungo 798452 Mungo Armement L. Martin, C.F.C.N., Paris A photo postcard, possibly by the ship builders Nederlandsche Dok en Scheepsbouw, Amsterdam, feautring the cargo ship Mungo built in 1960. Minimal corner and edge wear and clean to the front with a couple of very light surface marks. Impressions from album corner mounts. Light marking and a few impression lines to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
Arosa Sun 324825 Arosa Sun Arosa Cruises A company printed postcard featuring the Arosa Sun. Light corner and edge wear and a little light foxing/surface marking to the front. A light bend top edge, centre. Reverse has very light marking from one of those sticky album pages. Size approx 6" x 4.25".(VG) £3.99
Arosa Sun 1134910 Arosa Sun Arosa Cruises A company sepia printed postcard featuring the Arosa Sun. She was built in 1930 for Messageries Maritimes as the Felix Roussel. She served as the Arosa Sun from 1955 to 1960. A little very light corner and edge wear. Very light marking to the front with a couple of extremely light surface foxing spots, only visible when viewed across the light. A little light marking / ageing to the reverse. Size approx 5.9" x 4.2". (VG) £3.99
Aman Bintulu 739225 Aman Bintulu Asia LNG Transport (NYK / MISC) A photo postcard issued by NYK, showing the LNG tanker Aman Bintulu. In lovely clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Extremely light surface bend top centre. Minimal marking to the reverse. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG+) £3.99
Accrington / Bury / Dewsbury / Stockport 742906 Accrington / Bury / Dewsbury / Stockport Associated Humber Lines A company monochrome sepia art card featuring the four vessels Accrington, Bury, Dewsbury and Stockport and advertising the services from Grimsby and Hull to Hamburg. Minimal corner wear and light surface indentation lines near the bottom two corners. Otherwise clean to the front. Pencilled inscription to the reverse and light marking. (VG) £5.49
Bolton Abbey 451119 Bolton Abbey Associated Humber Lines A company photo postcard featuring the Bolton Abbey and advertising the services from Hull and Goole. A few very light surface indentations and very light corner wear. (VG) £3.99
Kirkham Abbey 696901 Kirkham Abbey Associated Humber Lines A company photo postcard featuring the Kirkham Abbey. In clean condition to the front with very light corner wear. Very light album corner indentations. Light indentation from postal cancellation bottom right. Clean to the reverse. (VG) £3.99
Melrose Abbey 3291147 Melrose Abbey Associated Humber Lines A company colour photo postcard featuring the Melrose Abbey. Extremely light corner wear. Clean to the front with a little very light surface marking and a few very light surface indentations. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
Melrose Abbey 768001 Melrose Abbey Associated Humber Lines A company photo postcard featuring the Melrose Abbey, leaving the Humber Dock, Hull for Rotterdam. Very light corner wear and clean to the front. A few extremely light surface bends / impressions. Light marking and a few light foxing spots to the reverse. (VG) £3.99
Melrose Abbey 3291113 Melrose Abbey Associated Humber Lines A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Melrose Abbey from the Hull/Goole to the continent service. In clean condition to the front with very light corner and edge wear except for a small bump to the bottom right corner tip. Extremely light marking to the reverse. Slight curling of the card. (VG) £2.49
Whitby Abbey 1042413 Whitby Abbey Associated Humber Lines A company photo postcard featuring the Whitby Abbey from the Hull/Goole to the continent service. Extremely light corner wear. Extremely light marking to the front with a couple of tiny surface impressions. A few very light foxing marks to the reverse. (VG) £3.49
Anco Empress 1011513 Anco Empress Athel Line Ltd. London A photo postcard featuring the tanker Anco Empress of 1971. Card is possibly printed by her builders Uddevallavarvet AB, Sweden. In nice clean condition to the front with extremely light corner wear. Extremely light impressions at two of the corners from album corner mounts. Extremely light marking to the reverse. Size approx 5.8" x 4.1". (VG+) £3.49
Anco Princess 960314 Anco Princess Athel Line Ltd. London A photo postcard featuring the tanker Anco Princess of 1971, possibly produced by the ship builders Uddevallavarvet, Sweden. In nice clean condition to the front with extremely light corner wear and minimal album corner impressions. Very light marking to the reverse. Size approx 5.8" x 4.1". (VG+) £3.99
Anco Sceptre 518268 Anco Sceptre Athel Line Ltd. London A photo postcard featuring the tanker Anco Sceptre of 1971. Possibly printed by the builders Uddevallavarvet of Sweden. In lovely clean condition, both sides, with minimal corner wear. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £3.99
Anco Stane 696902 Anco Stane Athel Line Ltd. London A photo postcard featuring the tanker Anco Stane of 1972. Possibly a builder's card by Uddevallavarvet of Sweden. In nice clean condition, both sides with very light corner and edge wear. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG+) £3.99
Anco Templar 904206 Anco Templar Athel Line Ltd. London A photo postcard featuring the tanker Anco Templar of 1972. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Minimal marking to the reverse. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £3.99
Athelbeach 679502 Athelbeach Athel Line Ltd. London A plain back advertising card featuring the tanker Athelbeach. Very light corner wear and a very light bend / crinkle across the bottom right corner. A small knock to the bottom left corner. Light marking to both sides of the card. Size approx 6.5" x 4". (VG) £3.99
Athelchief 95604 Athelchief Athel Line Ltd. London A nice real photo card by Feilden of Liverpool of the Athelchief in the Mersey. Clean to front, with very light corner wear. Reverse has some ship details penned. (VG) £4.49
Athelchief 444113 Athelchief Athel Line Ltd. London A photo postcard by Feilden of Liverpool featuring the tanker Athelchief at Liverpool. In clean condition to the front with extremely light corner wear. Neatly inked notes to the reverse dated 1936. Otherwise very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Athelknight 3291128 Athelknight Athel Line Ltd. London A photo postcard featuring the tanker Athelknight, possibly produced by her builders Uddevallavarvet AB, Uddevalla. In clean condition to the front with very light corner wear. Clean to the reverse. The surface of the card is quite heavily curled which should be able to be cured by placing between a couple of heavy books for a while. Size approx 5.9" x 4.1". (VG) £3.49
Athelmonarch 409607 Athelmonarch Athel Line Ltd. London A sepia toned photo postcard by Feilden of Liverpool of the Athelmonarch. In clean condition to the front with very light album corner marks. Copious noted written lightly in pencil to the reverse. (VG) £5.49
Athelmonarch 77011163 Athelmonarch Athel Line Ltd. London A Skyfotos photo postcard featuring the tanker Athelmonarch. Minimal corner wear. Clean to the front. A light surface indentation line down the card near the bow of the vessel and another extremely light surface indentation line near the bottom right edge. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £3.49
Athelprincess 679501 Athelprincess Athel Line Ltd. London A plain back advertising card featuring the bulk carrier Athelprincess. Minimal corner wear and a very light bend across the bottom right corner. Light marking to both sides of the card. Size approx 6.5" x 4". (VG) £3.99
Athelstane 349523 Athelstane Athel Line Ltd. London A Skyfotos photo postcard featuring the tanker Athelstane. Light corner wear and a few surface indentations / marks. Light marking from album corner mounts. Reverse has some surface damage from one of those sticky album pages. Size approx 5.5" x 3.75". (VG-) £2.99
Athelsultan 409605 Athelsultan Athel Line Ltd. London A photo postcard by Feilden of the Athelsultan at Liverpool. In nice clean condition to front with very light corner wear and very light album corner indentations. The reverse has lightly pencilled notes. (VG) £5.99
Atlantic Companion 804803 Atlantic Companion Atlantic Container Line A colour photo postcard featuring the ro-ro / container ship Atlantic Companion. In nice clean condition to the front with very light corner wear. Clean to the reverse. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG+) £2.99
Atlantic Companion 1064647 Atlantic Companion Atlantic Container Line A company photo postcard featuring the ro-ro containership Atlantic Companion. In clean condition to the front with extremely light corner and edge wear. Minimal marking to the reverse. Size approx 5.9" x 4.1". (VG+) £2.99
Atlantic Compass 536750 Atlantic Compass Atlantic Container Line A Thought Factory photo postcard featuring the container ship Atlantic Compass with tugs in Liverpool Docks. In lovely clean condition, both sides, with minimal corner wear. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £2.49
Atlantic Conveyor 561254 Atlantic Conveyor Atlantic Container Line A colour photo postcard by the Thought Factory featuring the containership Atlantic Conveyor of 1984 and mentioning her maiden voyage from Liverpool in 1985. Minimal corner and edge wear and a extremely light surface crinkle near the left edge, bottom. Clean to the reverse. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG) £2.49
Atlantic Conveyor 295102 Atlantic Conveyor Atlantic Container Line A colour photo postcard by the Thought Factory featuring the containership Atlantic Conveyor of 1984 at Liverpool. Extremely light corner wear, but with a light bend to the top right corner tip and surface crinkles to the reverse only. Clean to the front. Minimal marking to the reverse. Size approx 5.9" x 4". (VG) £1.49
Atlantic Conveyor 295103 Atlantic Conveyor Atlantic Container Line A colour photo postcard by the Thought Factory featuring the containership Atlantic Conveyor of 1984 at Liverpool. Extremely light corner wear. Clean to the front. Minimal marking to the reverse. Size approx 5.9" x 4". (EX-) £2.49
Atlantic Crown 555041 Atlantic Crown Atlantic Container Line A photo postcard featuring the early containership Atlantic Crown (1969-75). In lovely clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Clean to the reverse. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £3.99
Atlantic Saga 541679 Atlantic Saga Atlantic Container Line A photo postcard featuring the ro-ro / container ship Atlantic Saga of 1967. Although chartered by ACL, she was owned by Swedish American Line. Very light corner wear and light impressions at the corners from album corner mounts. A light surface bend bottom centre with associated very light surface crinkle to the reverse only. Extremely light marking to the front. Age toning and light marking to the reverse. Size approx 5.9" x 4.1". (VG) £2.99
Atlantic Span 639102 Atlantic Span Atlantic Container Line A colour photo postcard featuring the containership Atlantic Span. In clean condition to the front with very light corner wear. Very light surface bend to the top right corner tip. Clean to the reverse. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG) £3.49
Atlantic Span 484751 Atlantic Span Atlantic Container Line A photo postcard featuring the containership Atlantic Span. In lovely clean condition with minimal corner wear. Extremely light marking to the reverse. Size approx 6" x 4". (EX-) £3.99
Hadleigh 599420 Hadleigh Atlantic Shipping & Trading Co. (W.J. Tatem) A photo postcard by Feilden of Liverpool featuring the Hadleigh (1930-43). In nice clean condition with minimal corner wear and very light album corner indentations. A couple of tiny surface marks. Clean to the reverse. (VG+) £5.49
Cerdic Ferry 471535 Cerdic Ferry Atlantic Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. A company photo postcard featuring the Cerdic Ferry. Very light corner wear. Very light surface marks at the corners from album mounting. Otherwise clean to the front with a couple of tiny surface indentations bottom centre. Minimal marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
Doric Ferry 3291102 Doric Ferry Atlantic Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. A company photo postcard featuring the Doric Ferry. Clean to the front with extremely light corner and edge wear. Extremely light marking to the reverse with a small inked annotation to the services listed on the reverse. (VG) £2.49
Ionic Ferry 500831 Ionic Ferry Atlantic Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. A company photo postcard featuring the Ionic Ferry. In clean condition with minimal corner wear. A couple of tiny surface marks. Clean to the reverse. (VG+) £3.49
Minneapolis 1183706 Minneapolis Atlantic Transport Line A lovely Abstract of Log / Menu folder for a voyage on board the Minneapolis from New York to London and covering August 29th 1908 to September 6th 1908. To the front is a monochrome art view of the liner, on the inside front cover is the abstract of log and on the inside back cover is the menu dated Sept 6th 1908. To the revers is an interior view of one of the rooms on board. Very light corner and edge wear. A couple of foxing spots to the front, otherwise very light marking. the inside two pages are generally clean with a few small foxing spots around the edges of the pages. The reverse has a few foxing spots top left, otherwise very light marking. Size approx 6" x 4.2" when folded. (VG) £11.99
Minnehaha 365509 Minnehaha Atlantic Transport Line A lovely Kingsway Real Photo Series postcard of the Minnehaha. Very light corner wear and very light album corner indentations. Light surface marking, mainly bottom left. A little very light marking to the reverse. (VG+) £7.99
Minnehaha 578602 Minnehaha Atlantic Transport Line A Tuck's Celebrated Liners art card featuring the Minnehaha. In clean condition to the front with very light corner wear and light album corner indentations. Clean to the reverse with light marks at the corners. (VG) SOLD!
Minnekahda 388107 Minnekahda Atlantic Transport Line A monochrome art card featuring the Minnekahda by the Ocean Trading Co of Southampton. Annotation to the reverse dated 1929. Light corner and edge wear and a couple of light surface indentations. (VG+) £4.99
Minnekahda 6650320 Minnekahda Atlantic Transport Line A company art card featuring the Minnekahda. Very light corner wear and a little very light surface marking. Album corner indentations. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) £6.99
Minnekahda 1173406 Minnekahda Atlantic Transport Line A photo type, gloss finish, postcard featuring the Minnekahda. The illustration is a monochrome art type view of the vessel. Extremely light corner and edge wear. A couple of light indentation marks on the top and bottom edge, centre - looks like from a clip or something similar. Otherwise minimal marking to the front. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £3.99
Minnesota 610301 Minnesota Atlantic Transport Line A Japanese colour tinted postcard featuring the coaling of the Minnesota. Very light corner and edge wear and a few light surface marks. A little light surface marking and ageing to the reverse. Collector's(?) initials to reverse. (VG) £5.99
Minnetonka 636402 Minnetonka Atlantic Transport Line A photo postcard produced by the Port of London Authority featuring a view of King George V dock with the Minnetonka and the floating crane London Mammoth. The reverse has a pre printed message from the Dock and Warehouse Manager. Clean to the front with minimal corner wear. A light surface bend top edge centre. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) £4.49
Minnetonka 506801 Minnetonka Atlantic Transport Line An ear card featuring the Minnetonka and the ancient sailing ship Henri Grace a Dieu. Art is by Charles Dixon. In clean condition with very light corner wear. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG+) £6.49
Minnetonka 578603 Minnetonka Atlantic Transport Line A Tuck's Celebrated Liners art card featuring the Minnetonka. Very light corner wear and light marks / indentations from album corner mounts. A few very light marks to the reverse. (VG) £5.99
Minnewaska 177701 Minnewaska Atlantic Transport Line A Tuck's Celebrated Liners series card of the Minnewaska. In super clean condition to front. Minimal album corner mount indentations. (EX-) RESERVED!
Minnewaska 596901 Minnewaska Atlantic Transport Line A company art card featuring the Minnewaska. Light corner and edge wear and very light album corner marks. Minimal marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse with a black printed mark down the right edge at the bottom. (VG) £6.99
Minnewaska 359305 Minnewaska Atlantic Transport Line A Kingsway Real Photo postcard featuring the Minnewaska. Light corner and edge wear and light surface marking. Small mark in the sky area top right. The reverse has some marking, an ink(?) mark top right and ageing. A typed address to the reverse but not postally used. (VG-) £4.49
Minnewaska 606502 Minnewaska Atlantic Transport Line A Kingsway Real Photo postcard featuring the Minnewaska. Light corner and edge wear and album corner indentations. Some surface marking. Light ageing and marking to the reverse and an inked annotation. (VG) £4.99
Minnewaska 1075402 Minnewaska Atlantic Transport Line An early, company advertising art card featuring the Minnewaska and advertising the feact that the ship is fitted with Electric Lights, the Marconi System of Wireless Telegraphy and Submarine Signalling Apparatus. Postally used, but date not clear. Light corner and edge wear with a light surface crinkle on the bottom left corner tip. Quite heavy album corner impressions. Very light marking / ageing to the front. A couple of extremely light surface undulations. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG-) £9.99
Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) 602601 Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) Atlantic Transport Line An early litho printed advertising art card by Andrew Reid of Newcastle, featuring an un-named steamer and advertising the service from London to New York. Very light corner and edge wear, but a light crease / crinkle across the bottom left corner. Light marking / ageing with a few very light foxing dots to the front. Age toning, light marking and a few light foxing marks to the reverse. (VG-) £8.99
Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) 536901 Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) Atlantic Transport Line A company advertising card featuring an un-named steamer, by Andrew Reid of Newcastle. Postally used in Rome in 1921. Light corner and edge wear and light surface marking. Very light album corner indentations. A couple of light pencil(?) marks in the sea area bottom left. (VG) £10.99
Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) 1087702 Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) Atlantic Transport Line A company printed advertising postcard from the London to New York service. Postally used in Plymouth in 191(2?). Very light corner and edge wear. Light surface marking to the front with some very light foxing spots on the hull of the vessel. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse with a few very light foxing spots. (VG) £6.99
Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) 1035111 Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) Atlantic Transport Line An early litho printed art postcard advertising the service from New York to London with an un-named steamer to the front. Postally used in Dover in 1907 with a printed message to the reverse sending Christmas greetings from someone on board the Minnehaha enroute to New York in December 1907. Some corner rounding and edge wear and a very light surface crinkle to the bottom left corner tip, showing mainly to the reverse. Extensive foxing spotting to both sides of the card also with light marking / ageing. (G) SOLD!
Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) 470303 Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) Atlantic Transport Line A company printed art postcard featuring a company vessel off Boulogne. Art is by Charles Dixon. Card advertises the service on the liners from London to Boulogne. Light corner and edge wear except for a little rubbing and tiny surface crinkle to the top left corner tip. A small ink(?) mark on the right edge near the top right corner. Otherwise very light marking to the front. Age toning and some foxing marking to the reverse with a little marking. (VG/VG-) £4.99
Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) 1075401 Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) Atlantic Transport Line An early, litho printed postcard, by Andrew Reid of Newcastle, featuring an un-named company vessel. A little light corner and edge wear. Album corner indentations. A very light surface bend top right with corresponding tiny surface crinkle to the reverse only. A little foxing spotting to the front as is the case for a lot of these early litho cards. Otherwise light marking / ageing to the front. Some foxing spotting to the reverse, otherwise light marking / ageing. (VG-) £10.99
Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) 1204201 Unknown (Atlantic Transport Line) Atlantic Transport Line An early litho printed advertising art postcard featuring an un-named company vessel. Card is by Andrew Reid of Newcastle. Very light corner and edge wear. A few tiny foxing spots around the edges of the card in the white margin, otherwise very light marking to the front. Light album corner impressions. A little light marking / age toning to the reverse with a few small foxing spots. (VG) £11.99
Agais 930701 Agais Atlas-Levante Linie, Bremen A photo postcard by Bodecker & Drauz of Hamburg, featuring the cargo ship Agais of 1952. In clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Surface impression from small erased annoation to the reverse, down the right edge. The reverse is printed upside down and has very light marking. (VG) £3.49
Eva 1200601 Eva August Kjerland, Norway A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Eva of 1972. Extremely light marking to the front with a couple of light surface impression lines. Extremely light album corner impressions. Extremely light corner wear. Minimal marking to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
Gol 910030 Gol August Kjerland, Norway A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Gol of 1965. In nice clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Small inked annotation and agent's(?) cachet to the reverse. Otherwise clean to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
Gol 1200602 Gol August Kjerland, Norway A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Gol of 1965. Extremely light marking to the front with a couple of extremely light surface impression lines. Very light surface impressions from some writing top left. Extremely light corner wear. Minimal marking to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
Hop 1200604 Hop August Kjerland, Norway A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Hop of 1973. Minimal marking to the front with a couple of extremely light surface impression lines. Extremely light corner wear and extremely light album corner impressions. Extremely light marking to the reverse except for a couple of light foxing spots by the stamp box. (VG) £2.99
Log 1200605 Log August Kjerland, Norway A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Log of 1972. In nice clean condition to the front with a couple of extremely light surface impression lines. Extremely light corner wear. Minimal marking to the reverse. (VG+) £3.49
Pan 1200603 Pan August Kjerland, Norway A company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Pan of 1972. In nice clean condition to the front with a couple of extremely light surface impression lines. Extremely light corner wear with minimal album conrner impressions. Minimal marking to the reverse. (VG) £3.49
Strelasund / Hiddensee 6543114 Strelasund / Hiddensee August Pratz, Stralsund A sepia printed postcard feautring the steamers Strelasund, built in 1883 and served with the company from 1907 to 1923 and the Hiddensee, which served the company from 1911 to 1923. In lovely clean condition to the front with minimal corner wear. Minimal marking to the reverse. (VG+) £6.99
Ausonia 455317 Ausonia Ausonia Crociere Spa (Grimaldi Siosa) A company photo postcard featuring the Ausonia which operated for the company from 1983 to 1996. In clean condition with very light corner wear. Size approx 6" x 4". (VG+) £2.99
Rossall 905510 Rossall Austin Friars Steam Shipping Co. Ltd., London (Galbraith Pembroke & Co.) A photo postcard by Barnard & Straker ofHull, featuring the Rossall. She was built in 1895 and served the company until 1915. Light corner and edge wear and clean to the front with a little light surface marking. The reverse has some light residue marks where it looks like the card has previously been stuck to something. (VG-) £4.49
Bingera 1195014 Bingera Australasian United Steam Nav. Co. An early and scarce advertising art postcard featuring the Bingera (1905-1924). Postally used in 1911 in Mackay, Queensland to Italy. Very light corner and edge wear except for knocks and some surface crinkles / creases to the top left and bottom left corners. Very light album corner marks / impressions. Impression from postal cancellation top left. Otherwise light marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG-) SOLD!
Indarra 1227402 Indarra Australasian United Steam Nav. Co. A sepia toned and lightly faded photo postcard featuring the Indarra of 1912. Inked message to the reverse from someone on board in Cabin 134G in 1915 on a voyage from Melbourne to Adelaide. Very light corner wear. Quite heavy postal cancellation impressions across the top third of the card. Otherwise a little very light surface marking to the front. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG-) £6.49
Ormiston 1225304 Ormiston Australasian United Steam Nav. Co. A photo postcard featuring the Ormiston. She was built in 1922 as the Famaka for the Khedivial Mail Line. 1n 1927 she was chartered by the Australasian United Steam Nav Co and renamed Ormiston. Extremely light corner and edge wear. Album corner impressions. A strip just over 0.3 of an inch in height age toned along the top edge. Otherwise very light marking to the front. The reverse has some toning marking at the corners from album mounting, otherwise light marking / ageing with some foxing dotting around the edges of the card. (VG-) SOLD!
Wodonga 215602 Wodonga Australasian United Steam Nav. Co. A lovely company art card of the Wodonga of 1890. In lovely clean condition with light corner wear. Very light album corner indentations. (VG+) SOLD!
Wyandra 1201005 Wyandra Australasian United Steam Nav. Co. An early company printed art postcard featuring the Wyandra. Company houseflag top left. She was built in 1902 and stayed with the company until 1926. A little corner and edge wear. A little light surface marking to the front with some extremely light surface foxing spots to the front, mainly only visible when viewed across the light. The reverse has some light stain marks (looks like stains from some drops of water). A few light foxing marks and light surface impression from a small annotation, previously erased. (VG-) £9.99
Wyreema 215601 Wyreema Australasian United Steam Nav. Co. A lovely company art card of the Wyreema of 1908. In nice clean condition with minimal corner wear. Very light album corner indentations. Reverse is completely filled with correspondance. (VG+) SOLD!
Lemnos 1154906 Lemnos Australia West Pacific Line A colour company photo postcard featuring the cargo ship Lemnos. Extremely light corner and edge wear. Minimal marking to the front and reverse. Size approx 5.9" x 4". (EX-) £3.99
1125203 "Bay" Class Steamer Australian Commonwealth Line A company printed art postcard featuring a "Bay" Class Steamer. Extremely light corner wear with an extremely light surface crinkle on the top right corner tip. Very light album corner impressions. Extremely light marking / ageing to the reverse with a couple of small foxing spots. (VG) £6.99
Jervis Bay 745315 Jervis Bay Australian Commonwealth Line A photo postcard by the Nautical Photo Agency featuring the Jervis Bay. Light corner and edge wear and clean to the front with a couple of light surface indentations. Inked and crossed out name to the reverse and the remains of an (incorrect) company name which has been erased. Light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Jervis Bay 1141406 Jervis Bay Australian Commonwealth Line A Kingsway Real Photo postcard featuring the famous Jervis Bay. Extremely light corner and edge wear. A light surface impression line on the bottom edge, centre. Very light album corner impressions. Extremely light marking to the front. Some age toning and a little marking to the reverse. (VG) £4.99
Magga Dan 896604 Magga Dan Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE) A photo postcard featuring the Magga Dan in the Antarctic ice during the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition in 1960. Card looks to be issued in 2003 to commemorate the expedition with a commemorative postage stamp and cancellation to the front, bottom left. In nice clean condition to both sides with minimal corner wear. Size approx 5.75" x 4". (EX-) £3.49
Martha Washington 1002506 Martha Washington Austro-Americana / Cosulich Line A Osterr Flottenverein art card featuring a deck scene on board the Martha Washington and advertising the New York to Trieste service. Sadly the top right corner has a heavy crease which has been neatly repaired to the front, but with some tape on the corner to the reverse only. Otherwise some corner and edge wear. Clean to the front. A little marking / ageing to the reverse. (G) SOLD!
Martha Washington 6543601 Martha Washington Austro-Americana / Cosulich Line A company art postcard featuring the Martha Washington. Postally used in Wien in 1909. Special 40th anniversary "Free School Reichs Volksschulgesetz 1869" stamp stuck to the front. Some corner and edge wear. Album corner impressions. A surface crinkle / light crease from the right edge, centre down to the word "Washington". A little extremely light surface crinkling top left corner. Otherwise light marking to the front. Light marking to the reverse. (G+) SOLD!
Kaiser Franz Joseph I 6002170 Kaiser Franz Joseph I Austro-Americana Steamship Co. (Unione Austriaca de Nav, Trieste) A lovely company art card featuring the Kaiser Franz Joseph I entering Algiers. Art is by Grimani. Postally used in 1913. A little corner wear and a little light surface marking to the front. Very light marking to the reverse. (VG) SOLD!
Kaiser Franz Joseph I 931201 Kaiser Franz Joseph I Austro-Americana Steamship Co. (Unione Austriaca de Nav, Trieste) A company art card featuring the Kaiser Franz Joseph I arriving at Malta. Very light corner and edge wear. Clean to the front with light album corner marks. Very light marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG) SOLD!
Antrim 1186603 Antrim Avenue Shipping Co. A company printed photo card featuring the Antrim. She was built in 1962 and passed to P&O ownership in 1972. Very light corner wear with a tiny dink to the top right corner tip and some rubbing down the right edge near the bottom right corner. Very light marking to the front. A light surface bend near the stern of the vessel with a tiny surface crinkle. A couple of small marks to the reverse. (VG) £2.49
Donegal 984518 Donegal Avenue Shipping Co. A plain back company photo card featuring the Donegal of 1957. Minimal corner wear and very light album corner impressions. Clean to the front with minimal surface marking. Minimal marking / ageing to the reverse. (VG+) £3.49
Galway 1186602 Galway Avenue Shipping Co. A company printed plain back photo card featuring the Galway. She was built in 1959 and passed to P&O ownership in 1972. Extremely light corner wear except for a small knock and surface crinkle to the top right corner tip. Minimal marking to the front. Clean to the reverse. (VG) £2.99
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